
Aboriginal whiners


Dear Minister of Indian Affairs the Honourable Jim Prentice M.P.,

” Aboriginal peoples”, “Canada’s Native peoples”, “Indian’s” because Columbus thought that the America’s was India, will never stop whining about their poverty and hardship as long as they continue to isolate themselves or be isolated.Reserves are an old hold over from the 1700’s and 1800’s and should be abolished.

That will cost the Natives all of their political whining and billions in federal welfare and so is unlikely to be popular with the “Indians” who would rather go on with their incessant “Aboriginal” whining.

I for one am sick of hearing of the hardships of the Natives and not unlike that of Quebeker’s who’s state is used by political pandering and the Natives themselves to get attention and federal welfare.

I would like to ask the Minister to consider closing Canada’s Native Reserves for the well being of those who are “isolated”, “underemployed” and lacking the necessary resources to support themselves.

Sincerely Yours,
*, Ontario, Canada

June 13, 2006 Posted by | Canadian Politics | Leave a comment