
"Double your pleasure with double mint gum" ?

Not our C-17s.
February 1, 2006
Dear *,
1.8 billion dollars U.S. for 4 C-17s or double the cost to the U.S. government for the same aircraft should equal no more “popcorn chicken” for someone this year.
I do not think we should have to pay double the cost to the U.S. government for these same air planes.
‘House and Senate conference committee yesterday approved a $447 billion fiscal 2007 Pentagon budget bill, which included $2.1 billion for 10 C-17s, Republican Sen. Jim Talent of Missouri said.
I am relieved to some degree after doing my own search after reportedly paying 3.4 billion dollars for four planes though you are still paying more than twice as much as the U.S. government for the same air plane after the exchange rate, I used 15%, extra equipment and support is included.
Have we paid double the cost of these air planes ?
Does someone have some very well lined pocket patches as a result ?
That “someone” not being myself I must protest until I have full disclosure of the cost of these four C-17’s.
Hopefully before the media.
Unless you do have a reasonable cause for an apparently inflated price.
A hundred per cent inflated price in U.S. funds.
Did the seller of these aircraft mislead you into this purchase and cause you to pay double the actual cost or did you pad someone’s pocket or
is there a hidden expense somewhere or other ?
My previous email may be ignored and or considered obsolete.
The above question should be answered in the house of commons but if no one asks how will we ever know . Until the media finds out the real cost or waits until election time to report the “news”.
Where is the extra 200 million dollars plus per each C-17 purchased by your office ?
Sincerely yours,
*, Ontario, Canada

February 1, 2007 - Posted by | Canadian Politics

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